Live South Africa : Centmark - Centurion Ceilings And Partitions (Pty) Ltd

Centmark Centner Levine And Company CENTO AUTO Cento Sport CENTOCOW H CENTOLITE FUELS CENTOR CENTORIA BRAKE & CLUTCH CENTORIA BRAKE & CLUTCH CC Centow Roadside Assistance Cc CENTOYS SA (PTY) LTD Centpart Centpart Motor Spares Centra Supermarket Centra Vac CC:Waterkloof Park CENTRA VIDEO CENTRA-CAST INDUSTRIES (PTY) LTD CENTRA-VAC CC CENTRAFLO CENTRAHIL POST OFFICE Central Central 4 U Accommodation Central 4 U Holiday Accommodation CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION SERVICES Central Advertiser CENTRAL AFRICA ART ASSOCIATION CENTRAL AFRICA BUILDING SOCIETY CENTRAL AFRICA CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE CENTRAL AFRICA CRUSHERS CC CENTRAL AFRICA CRUSHERS PTY LTD Central Africa Distribution Company (Pty) Ltd CENTRAL AFRICA MISSION CENTRAL AFRICA NEWS CENTRAL AFRICA TELCOMS (PVT) LTD CENTRAL AFRICA TRANSPORT (PVT) LTD CENTRAL AFRICA WAREHOUSING DIVISION Central African Batteries CENTRAL AFRICAN BILLIARDS (PVT) LTD Central African Consulate - Pretoria CENTRAL AFRICAN CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE (PVT) LTD CENTRAL AFRICAN CYCLE INDUSTRIES (PVT) LTD CENTRAL AFRICAN DIAMOND CUTTING WORKS (PVT) LTD CENTRAL AFRICAN DRIVING SCHOOL CENTRAL AFRICAN FREIGHT CONSULTANTS Central African Hotels CENTRAL AFRICAN IMPORTS & EXPORTS CC CENTRAL AFRICAN INSURANCE BROKERS (PVT) LTD CENTRAL AFRICAN INTERTRADE (PVT) LTD CENTRAL AFRICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE CENTRAL AFRICAN MINING SUPPLIERS CENTRAL AFRICAN POWER CORPORATION CENTRAL AFRICAN RECORD CO Central African Road Services (Pty) Ltd CENTRAL AFRICAN SCALES COMPANY LIMITED CENTRAL AFRICAN TEXTILE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATIO CENTRAL AFRICAN ZIONIST ORGANISATION CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL CENTRAL AIR CARGO CENTRAL AIR MANINTENANCE (PTY) LTD Central Alteration & Upholstery Central Alteration And Upholstery CENTRAL ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES (PTY) LTD-C A L CENTRAL APPLICATIONS OFFICE CENTRAL APPLICATIONS OFFICE (CAO) Central Apteek and Pharma-Kliniek CENTRAL ARMATURE WINDERS CENTRAL ARMATURE WINDERS CC CENTRAL ASSN OF BAPTIST CHURCHES CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF CO-OPERATIVE UNION LTD Central Auction Mart Central Auto And Repairs Central Auto Cc Central Auto Components CENTRAL AUTO ELECTRICAL Central Auto Repairs Central Auto Spares Central Auto Spares Ltd Central Automobile CENTRAL AUTOWORKS (PVT) LTD Central Avenue Shoe Repairs Central Avenue Trading Pty Ltd Central Bag & Shoe Repairs CENTRAL BAKERY TRIOLET NORD Central Bank Of Lesotho Central Bank Of Swaziland CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH Central Battery (Edms) Bpk Central Beach Laundromat Central Bikes CENTRAL BIKES & SCRAPYARD Central Bikes Spares CENTRAL BOARD & TIMBERS Central Boating (Pty) Ltd CENTRAL BOATING(PTY)LTD Central Bolt & Nut Central Booksellers Central Bottle Store Central Bottlers Central Boutique Hotel CENTRAL BRICK SALES Central Bridge Trading 197 Cc Central Bridge Trading 311 CC Central Bridge Trading 427 Cc Central Bridge Trading CC Central Build It Central Build It (Bedfordview) Central Building Centre CENTRAL BUILDING ROOF TRUSSES CC Central Building Supplies Central Building Supplies C C CENTRAL BUILDING SUPPLIES CC CENTRAL BULK CARRIERS (PVT) LTD Central Bus Reservations Cc Central Bus Tours Central Business Academy (Pty) Ltd CENTRAL BUSINESS INCORPORATED CENTRAL BUSINESS NETWORK CENTRAL BUSINESS SERVICES CENTRAL BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Central Butchery Central Butchery Central Buying Group Holdings (Pty) Ltd CENTRAL BUYING SERVICES CC CENTRAL BYKES SPARES CENTRAL C PLAN Central Cafe CENTRAL CAFE CENTRAL CAFE CENTRAL CAFE CENTRAL CAFE CENTRAL CAFE & TAKE-AWAY Central Cafe:Boksburg Central Car Wash & Valet (Wellington) CENTRAL CARPETS and CURTAINS (PVT) LTD CENTRAL CARRIERS CENTRAL CASH AND CARRY Central Cash Butchery Central Cash Loans Central Cash Registers Central Cash Registers CENTRAL CASH REGISTERS CC Central Cash Store CENTRAL CASH STORES CENTRAL CATERING AND ACCOMODATION CENTRAL CATERING CC CENTRAL CELLERS and STORES CENTRAL CELLULAR CENTRAL CELLULAR CONNECTION CENTRAL CELLULAR REPAIRS Central Ceres CENTRAL CERES MOTOR & PANELBEATERS CC Central Ceres Motors & Panel Beaters (Pty) Ltd Central Ceres Motors & Panelbeaters CC Central Ceres Motors & Panelbeaters CC:AFTER HOURS Cell CENTRAL CERES MOTORS & PANELBEATERS PTY LTD Central Ceres Motors Pty Ltd Central Chamber Of Printing Industries Federation Of SA CENTRAL CHAMER OF PRINTING INDUSTRIAL FEDERATION OF SA CENTRAL CHICKEN Central Christian Books & Stationery CENTRAL CIGARETTE WAREHOUSES CENTRAL CIRCUITS (PTY) LTD CENTRAL CITY Central City Improvement District CENTRAL CITY LOCKSMITH Central City Locksmiths Central City Mission yaseThekwini Central City Motor Spare (Pty) Ltd Central City Motor Spare (Pty)Ltd CENTRAL CITY MOTOR SPARES Central City Motors Spares CENTRAL CIVIL & ROADWORKS Central Civils & Roadworks Central Civils And Roadworks Cc CENTRAL CLEANING SUPPLIES CC Central Club CENTRAL COAL SALES Central College of Business & Computer Studies CENTRAL COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & COMPUTER STUDIES (PTY) LTD Central College Of Business And Computer Studies (Pty) Ltd CENTRAL COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP Central Construction CC Central Control Room CC CENTRAL COSMETICS Central Cosmetics:Mbekweni Central Country Lodge CENTRAL CURTAINING CC CENTRAL CYCLE WORKS Central Data Computer Services CENTRAL DEALERS Central Delta Central Demolishing & Hardware Central Demolishing Contractors Central Demolishing Contractors:Mayfair Central Dental Laboratory Central Developments Central Developments Property CENTRAL DISCOUNT LIQUORS CENTRAL DISTRIBUTORS CENTRAL DISTRIBUTORS CO LTD CENTRAL DISTRICT COUNCIL Central District Municipality CENTRAL DRAKENSBERG INFORMATION CENTRE Central Drakensburg Booking & Information Centre Central Driving & Photographic Services CC Central Driving School Central Drum Supplies & Waste Disposal CENTRAL DRUMS Central Dry Cleaners (1972) (pvt) Ltd CENTRAL DRY CLEANERS CC Central Durban Golf Club Central Edible Oil (Pty) Ltd CENTRAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD CENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARD (CEB) Central Electronics Central Emergency Bodyworks & Recovery CENTRAL EMERGENCY EXHAUSTS Central Endeavours CENTRAL ENERGY FUND CEF Central Engineering Central Fast Foods CENTRAL FILM LABORATORIES (PVT) LTD Central Finance Corp Central Finance Corporation CENTRAL FINANCIAL SERVICES CENTRAL FISH & CHIPS CENTRAL FISHERIES & DELICATTESSEN CENTRAL FISHERIES AND CAFE Central Fishing Tackle & Bait CENTRAL FLATS CENTRAL FLYING AIRPORT CENTRAL FORGE Central Forklift Services CC CENTRAL FRUIT STORE Central Fruiterers & Supermarket CENTRAL FUMIGATION CENTRAL FUNDS COLLECTION CENTRAL FUNERAL SERVICES CC Central Funerals CENTRAL FURNISHERS CENTRAL FURNISHING STORES Central Furniture & Appliances Centre CENTRAL FURNITURE STORES Central Garage Central Garage Central Garage (Utrecht) (Pty) Ltd Central Garage Utrecht (Edms) Bpk Central Gas CENTRAL GAS & SERVICE (PTY) LTD Central Gas + Services CENTRAL GAS DISTRIBUTORS LTD Central Gas Installations CENTRAL GASOLINE DISTRIBUTORS CENTRAL GATES CENTRAL GAURENG GOLF CENTRAL GAUTENG AQUATICS CENTRAL GAUTENG BOWLING ASSN Central Gauteng Cycling CENTRAL GAUTENG CYCLING UNION Central Gauteng Golf Union Central Gauteng Gymnastics CENTRAL GAUTENG HANDBALL ASSN Central Gauteng Mental Health Soc Central Gauteng Mental Health Society Central Glass Central Gymnastics Club CENTRAL HAIRDRESSES CENTRAL HARDWARE CENTRAL HARDWARE & ELECTRICAL Central Hide Trading 94 Cc Central High School Central High School Central High Trading 227cc Central High Trading 371 Cc Central High Trading 54cc CENTRAL HIGH TRADING CC CENTRAL HIRING SERVICES Central Home Developments Central Home Developments:Brooklyn Central Home Developments:Orchards Cell Central Home Improvements CENTRAL HOME INPROVEMENTS Central Hospitality Group Central Hotel Central Hotel CENTRAL HOTEL OFF-SALE Central Hotel Omaruru Central Hotel:Bar CENTRAL HOUSING AUT CO-OP CREDIT UNION CENTRAL HOUSING AUTHORITY Central Import & Export CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS CONSULTATION SERVIC CENTRAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIVISION CENTRAL INSTRUMENT ENGINEERING CENTRAL INSURANCE & FINANCIAL BROKERS CENTRAL INTERACTIV AGENCY Central Investigations (CHEATING, THEFT, LIE DETECTION, FRAUD) Central Investments Cc CENTRAL IRON ENGINEERING Central Islamic School CENTRAL ISLAMIC TRUST CENTRAL JHB COLLEGE CENTRAL JHB COLLEGE FOR FET CENTRAL JHB PARTNERSHIP Central Johannesburg Church of Christ CENTRAL JOHANNESBURG COLLEGE Central Johannesburg College - Currey Street CENTRAL JOHANNESBURG COLLEGE ALEXANDRA CAMPUS Central Johannesburg College:Crown Mines Sport/Arts & Culture Centre Central Johannesburg College:Motswedi Skills Training Site Central Johannesburg College:Parktown Campus Central Johannesburg Partnership Central Johannesburg Partnership (Jhb) CENTRAL JOINERY CENTRAL KAFEE Central Karoo District Municipality CENTRAL KAROO HOSPITAL CENTRAL LAKE TRADING Central Lake Trading 115 Central Lake Trading 143 Central Lake Trading 372 (Pty) Ltd Central Lake Trading 377 CENTRAL LAKE TRADING 57 (PTY) LTD Central Laundromat Central Laundromat Central Laundry & Dry Cleaners CENTRAL LEAF TOBACCO BUNDLE SELLERS Central Learn & Play School School CENTRAL LEARN AND PLAY SCHOOL Central Library, Cape Town Central Liqours Central Liquor Store Central Liquors CENTRAL LIQUORS @ THE SQUARE CENTRAL LITHO PRESS (PVT) LTD CENTRAL LIVESTOCK CO (PVT) LTD CENTRAL LOCKSMITH Central Locksmiths Central Locksmiths:After hours Central Locksmiths:After Hours Cell Central Locksmiths:Cell CENTRAL LODGE Central Logistics Cc CENTRAL LUTHERAN CHURCH CENTRAL MAGASIN CENTRAL MAIL & MESSENGER SERVI CENTRAL MAIL & MESSENGER SERVICE CENTRAL MAIL & MESSENGER SERVICE CC CENTRAL MAIL MESSENGER SERVICES CC Central Maintenance CC Central Market CENTRAL MARKET (DHUNY M IBRAHIM) CENTRAL MARKET GARDENS CENTRAL MASHONALAND CO-OPERATIVE UNION LTD CENTRAL MATSHONISA Central Mattress & Salvage Central Meat Market Central Meat Market CENTRAL MEAT SUPPLY CENTRAL MECHANICAL EQUIMENT DEPARTMENT CENTRAL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT DEPARTMENT Central Media Distributor CENTRAL MEDIA DISTRIBUTORS Central Medical CENTRAL MEDICAL (PTY) LTD Central Medical Equipment & Supplies CENTRAL MEDICAL/CHART TECHNOLOGIES CENTRAL MELK CENTRAL METAL TRADING (PTY) LTD Central Methodist Church - Germiston CENTRAL METHODIST MISSION CENTRAL MICA HARDWARE Central Midas CENTRAL MILK SHOP CENTRAL MINERALS CC CENTRAL MINI MARKET Central Mini Market Butchery CENTRAL MINING TIMBER CO-OP CENTRAL MONEY MARKET Central Motor Consultants CENTRAL MOTOR ENGINEERING Central Motor Repairs Central Motor Spares CENTRAL MOTOR SPARES & ACCESSORIES CENTRAL MOTOR SPARES AND ACCESSORIES CENTRAL MOTOR TRANSPORT Central Motors Central Motors Central Motors Central Motors (pty) Ltd CENTRAL MOTORS BK CENTRAL MOTORS CC CENTRAL MUSIC BAR Central National Security Group CENTRAL NATIONAL SECURITY SERVICES Central Networking Solutions CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY (PTY) LTD CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY GALLO LTD Central News Agency Ltd Central Nissan:Service:After hours Cell Central Nissan:Spares:After hours Cell Central Node (Pty) Ltd CENTRAL OFFAL SUPPLIES CENTRAL OFFICE CECIL NURSE Central Office Equipment Central Office Equipment Canon Central Office Furnishers Central Office Supplies CENTRAL OFFICE SUPPLY CENTRAL ORTHOPAEDIC HIRE CC CENTRAL P SCHOOL CENTRAL PANASONIC BUSINESS SYSTEMS (PTY) LTD Central Panel Beaters & Spraypainters CENTRAL PARK COMPLEX OFFICE Central Park Foods Central Park Optometrists CENTRAL PARK PHARMACY CENTRAL PARK PHARMACY-EMERGENCY CENTRAL PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL Central Park Security Cc Central Park Shopping Centre Central Parkade Central Parkade Central Parks City Church CENTRAL PEST CENTRAL PHARMACY CENTRAL PHARMACY & PHARMA CLINC Central Pizza Cc Central Plaza Investments (Pty) Ltd Central Plaza Investments 201 (Pty) Ltd CENTRAL PLUMBING CENTRAL PLUMBING & BUILDING BAZAAR Central Plumbing Sheet Metal & Welding Works Central Point Communications (Pty) Ltd CENTRAL PORTUGUESE MARKET GARDENS Central Poultry 2000 Ltd CENTRAL POWER SYSTEMS (PVT) LTD CENTRAL POWER TRANSFORMERS CC Central Precision Engineering Central Press CC CENTRAL PRESS PRINTERS CENTRAL PRIMARY AGRICULTURAL CO-OPERATION LTD Central Primary School CENTRAL PRINTING WORKS CENTRAL PRINTS & FRAMING CENTRAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS CENTRAL PROJECTION CONSTRUCTION (PVT) LTD Central Property Central Property Development Central Property Development (Johannesburg) CENTRAL PROPSHAFT C.V. JOINTS CENTRAL RADIATORS Central Radiators & Number Plates Central Radio & T.V. Central Rand Gold (SA) (Pty) Ltd Central Rand Gold South Africa (Pty) Ltd CENTRAL REFRIGERATION CENTRAL REGION ARCHES BLDG Central Rent-a-car Central Reservation Systems Central Reservations CENTRAL RESERVATIONS OFFICE CENTRAL RESTAURANT CENTRAL RESTAURANT & GROCERS Central Retailers CC CENTRAL ROOF TRUSSES CENTRAL ROUTE TRADING Central Route Trading 174cc Central Route Trading 216cc Central Route Trading 308 CC Central Route Trading 424cc Central Route Trading 74 Central Route Trading 8 Cc Central Sa Distribution Central Salvage Central Salvage Used Spares CENTRAL SECONDARY Central Secondary School CENTRAL SECURITY CENTRAL SERVICE CENTRE CENTRAL SERVICE WORKSHOP CENTRAL SEWING MACHINES CENTRAL SHEET METAL WORKS CENTRAL SHOE REPAIRS CENTRAL SHOE SHOP Central Signs CENTRAL SOUTH CO-OP Central South Co-Operative Ltd CENTRAL SPAR (CHAN KOWN CHIN and CO LTD) CENTRAL SPARES AND ACCESSORIES CC CENTRAL STATION CAFE Central Statistical Service Central Statistical Service CENTRAL STATISTICAL SERVICES Central Steel Spanish Burglar Bars Central Steel Works CENTRAL STORAGE DEPOT CENTRAL STORE LI IN ON FUN SHIN CENTRAL STORES CENTRAL STUDIO CENTRAL SUPER SAVE CENTRAL SUPERLINER CENTRAL SUPERMARK Central Supermarket CENTRAL SUPERMARKET AND BUTCHERY CENTRAL SUPERMARKET C/O MADUNLALL BACHOO and CO Central Supply Store CENTRAL SUPPLY TRADING Central Support Systems CENTRAL T V Central Take-Away CENTRAL TARLTON SUPPLY STORE Central Technical Services CENTRAL TECHNICAL SERVICES CC CENTRAL TELEFONICA CENTRAL TEXTILES (PTY) LTD Central Timber & Truss Central Timber Co-op (Pty) Ltd:Manager Res Central Timber Co-op (Pty) Ltd:Mechanic Res Central Timber Co-operative Ltd Central Timber Co-operative Ltd CENTRAL TOBACCO GRADERS and HAND STRIPPER Central Tool Hire CENTRAL TOWING SERVICES CENTRAL TOYOTA PETROL ACC CENTRAL TRADE SERVICES CENTRAL TRADE SERVICES CC Central Traders CENTRAL TRADING STORE Central Trust Loans Limited CENTRAL TYRE REPAIRS Central Tyres & Exhaust Central University Of Technology Central University Of Technology Central University Of Technology Central University of Technology - Cut - Free State Central University of Technology -Free State: Welkom Campus Library Central University of Technology: Library & Information Services Central University Of Technology:BUYER Central University Of Technology:CAFETERIA Central University Of Technology:CAMPUS DOCTOR Central University Of Technology:Centre Of Distance & Telematic Education Central University Of Technology:Co-Operative Education Central University Of Technology:Creditors Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Eendrag:Personnel Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Eendrag:Students Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Eendrag:Students Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:ENGINEERING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY:Civil Building Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:ENGINEERING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY:Communication Scienc Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:ENGINEERING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY:Dean Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:ENGINEERING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY:Faculty Officer Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:ENGINEERING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY:Information Technolo Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:ENGINEERING & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY:School of Design Tec Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Engineering:Electrical Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Engineering:Executive Dean Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Engineering:Faculty Officer Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Engineering:Information Technology Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Engineering:Mechanical Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Health & Environmental Science:Executive Dean (051 50 Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Health & Environmental Science:Faculty Officer (051 5 Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Health & Environmental Science:School For Health & Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES:Dean Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES:Faculty Officer Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES:School For Health & Techn Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:Huis Technikon:Personnel Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Huis Technikon:Students Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Huis Technikon:Students Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:MANAGEMENT:Government Management Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:MANAGEMENT:School Of Tourism Hospitality & Sport Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Management:Secretarial Studies Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:MANAGEMENT:Teachers Education Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:Manheim:Men:Personnel Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Manheim:Men:Students Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:Manheim:Women:Personnel Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Manheim:Women:Students Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Recruitment Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Student Services:Assistant Director Residences (051 50731 Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:STUDENT SERVICES:Carnaval Office Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:STUDENT SERVICES:Dean Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:STUDENT SERVICES:Head Residences Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:STUDENT SERVICES:SRC Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:STUDENT SERVICES:STUDENT ACCOUNTS Central University Of Technology:FACULTIES:Van Logrnbrg:Personnel Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Welgemoed:Personnel Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Welgemoed:Students Central University Of Technology:Faculties:Welgemoed:Students Central University Of Technology:International Affairs Central University Of Technology:LIBRARY:After hours Central University Of Technology:PROTECTION SERVICES Central University Of Technology:Science Park Central University Of Technology:Welkom Campus Manager Central University Of Technology:Welkom Campus Manager:Cafeteria Central University Of Technology:Welkom Campus Manager:Library Central University Of Technology:Welkom Campus Manager:Student Bureau Central University Of Technology:Welkom Campus Manager:Technical Services Central Upholsterers CENTRAL UPHOLSTERERS & FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS Central Used Spares Central Used Spares Central Vacuum Systems CENTRAL VEHICLE TRACKING CENTRAL VET Central Vet Franchising CC Central Vet Trinity Village CENTRAL VET-CELLULAR PHONE CENTRAL VETERINARY CLINIC CENTRAL VIDEO CENTRAL WASTE CENTRAL WATER AUTHORITY Central Welding Works CENTRAL WELFARE BAPTIST Central Wheel Alignment CENTRAL WHOLESALERS CENTRAL WORKWEAR & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY Central/Cecil Nurse Business Furniture Centralec (pty) Ltd CENTRALISED ELECTRONICS (PTY) LTD Centralized Logistix Solutions (Pty) Ltd Centrallake Country Lodge Centrallocksmith CENTRALMERC - COMERCIO E INDUSTRIA LDA CENTRALSURE BROKERS CENTRAVAC Centravac Central Vacuum Systems CENTRAVILLE (APPARTMENT and STUDIOS) CENTRAX CENTRE - HEAD CENTRE CENTRE AFRICA CENTRE CAFE & SUPERMARKET CENTRE CHARLES BAUDELAIRE BIBLIOTHEQUE VIDEOTHEQ CENTRE CHRETIEN CENTRE CIRCLE PRODUCTS (PVT) LTD CENTRE CITY CAFE CENTRE CLINIC PHARMACY Centre Core Timber Centre Core Timbers Centre Court Centre Court B & B Centre Court B&B CENTRE COURT BED & BREAKFAST CENTRE COURT BED AND BREAKFAST CENTRE COURT BUFFET & GRILL CENTRE COURT CAFE CENTRE COURT STUDIO CENTRE COURT VIDEO'S CENTRE D ACCUEIL SAINT MICHEL CENTRE DACCUEIL DE TERRE ROUGE THE ROMAN CATHOL CENTRE DAPPRENTISSAGE SAINT LEON C/O CURE DE SA CENTRE DE DOCUMENTATION RELIGIEUSE CENTRE DE FORMATION DIOCESAINE CENTRE DE FORMATION LA COLLINE CENTRE DE MASSAGE CENTRE DE MEDECINE NATURELLE CENTRE DE NATUROPATHY CENTRE DE SOLIDARITE POUR UNE NOUVELLE VIE CENTRE DEDITION and DISTRIBUTION DU LIVRE FRANCAI CENTRE DEDUCATION ET DE DEVELOPMENT POUR LES EN CENTRE DEDUCATION PRESCOLAIRE C/O CHRISTIANE KO CENTRE DINFORMATION DE FORMATION DORIENTATION CENTRE DISCOUNT STORE CENTRE DISCOUNT WORLD CENTRE DRIVING SCHOOL CENTRE EDUCATIF ET ATELIERS DE LA P E I M CENTRE EDUCATION ET PROGRES ENFANTS HANDICAPES CENTRE EDUCATION PRESCOLAIRE KOENIG CHRISTIANE CENTRE ENGINEERING CENTRE EVA CENTRE EVANGELIQUE CHARISMATIQUE STELLIO SOUCI Centre For Accounting Studies CENTRE FOR ADVANCED HOMEOPATHY CC CENTRE FOR ADVANCED MANUFACTURING CENTRE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES OF AFRICAN SOCIETY CENTRE FOR ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION Centre For Advantage Satellite And Mineral Centre for Aids Development, Research and Evaluation Centre For Applied Leadership Excellence CENTRE FOR APPLIED LEGAL STUDIES CENTRE FOR APPLIED MANAGEMENT SIGNS (PTY) LTD CENTRE FOR APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCES TRUST Centre For Assessment & Development Centre For Autism Research & Education CENTRE FOR CARDIAC & ORTHOPAEDIC REHABILITATION Centre for Charismatic Christians Church, Gauteng Centre For Chest Diseases Research Unit Centre For Christian Aid Network Centre for Christian Spirituality CENTRE FOR CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALLY CENTRE FOR COMPUTER and BUSINESS STUDIES CENTRE FOR CONFLICT RESOLUTION Centre For Conflict Resolution Inc CENTRE FOR CONSCIOUS CHANGE Centre For Conservation Education Centre for Creative Arts CENTRE FOR CREATIVE EDUCATION CENTRE FOR DEFENCE STUDIES CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT & ENTERPRISE Centre For Development And Empowerment Centre For Development Research & Facilitation CENTRE FOR DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH AND FACILITATION Centre For Diabetes & Endocrinology Centre For Diabetes & Endocrinology CENTRE FOR DIABETES & ENDOCRINOLOGY (PTY) LTD CENTRE FOR DIABETES & ENDOCRINOLOGY (PTY) LTD-EMERGENCY CENTRE FOR DIABETES & ENDOCRY CENTRE FOR DIABETICS Centre For Direct Tuition CENTRE FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION CENTRE FOR DISTANCE EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF ZIMB Centre For Early Childhood Development CENTRE FOR EDUCATION & ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FOR EDUCATION & ENTREPRISE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FOR EDUCATION AND ENTER Centre For Education Career Information Enterprise & Skills CENTRE FOR EDUCATION POLICY DEVELOPMENT Centre for Educational Technology, UCT CENTRE FOR ENREPRENEURIAL & SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT CC Centre For Exellence CENTRE FOR EXTENDED LEARNING Centre For Fine Art & Design CENTRE FOR FINE ART, ANIMATION & DESIGN CENTRE FOR FURTHER STUDIES (CFS) CENTRE FOR HEALTH Centre for Health and Healing CENTRE FOR HEALTH POLICY CENTRE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION TRANSFORNATION Centre for HIV/AIDS Prevention Studies CENTRE FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Centre For Human Right & Democracy Education Shikaya Centre CENTRE FOR HUMEN DEVELOPMENT Centre For Information Technology & Business Administration CENTRE FOR INNOVATION ENTERPRISES DEVELOPMENT Centre For Innovative Leadership (Pty) Ltd (CIL) CENTRE FOR INTEGRATED RURAL DEVELOPMENT Centre For International Management Training & D CENTRE FOR JAZZ AND POPULAR MUSIC Centre For Justice & Crime Prevention Centre For Justice And Crime Prevention Centre for Knowledge for the Rural Communities CENTRE FOR LANUAGE & HEARING IMPAIRED CHILDREN THE Centre for Legislative Drafting Centre For Logistics Excellence CENTRE FOR MANAGED CHANGE CENTRE FOR MANAGEMENT Centre For Management Development Centre for Miracles Centre For Municipal Research & Advice (Pty) Ltd Centre For Municipal Research And Advice (Pty) Ltd Centre For Ophthalmology & Centre for Diabetes CENTRE FOR OPPURTUNITY DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FOR ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING CENTRE FOR PEACE ACTION CENTRE FOR PEACE INITIATIVES IN AFRICA Centre For Play Therapy & Training CENTRE FOR PLICY STUDIES THE Centre for Policy Studies CENTRE FOR POSITIVE CARE CENTRE FOR PRO-ACTIVE MARKETING RESEARCH CENTRE FOR PROACTIVE MARKETING RESEARCH CENTRE FOR PROFESSIONAL ETHICS CENTRE FOR PROGRESSIVE SERVICES LTD CENTRE FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL WELLNESS AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Centre for Reconciliation and Equality Studies Centre For Reproductive Health Research & Traini CENTRE FOR RESEARCH & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FOR RURAL LEGAL STUDIES Centre for Rural Legal Studies Library CENTRE FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Centre for Social Justice and Democracy Centre for Social Services Centre For Sports Medicine CENTRE FOR SYNERGY DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF LITERACY (DYSLEXIA UNIT) Centre For The Art Of Living CENTRE FOR THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT Centre for the Empowerment Development and Advocacy Legrand CENTRE FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF LEARNING POTENTIAL CENTRE FOR THE NEW ELECTRICITY Centre For The Study Of Violence & Reconciliation CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF VIOLENCE AND RECONCILIATION Centre For Training & Development CENTRE FOR UPLIFTING RURAL ECONOMIES CENTRE GRILL RESTAURANT Centre Hardware CENTRE ISLAMIQUE DE GLEN PARK CENTRE KORT CENTRE LAWNMOWERS Centre Line Drawing Services Cc CENTRE LINE ELECTRICAL Centre Line Stationery Centre Line Stationery & Drawing Office Supplies CENTRE LINE STATIONERY AND DRAWING OFFICE SUPPLI CENTRE LINE TILING CENTRE MANAGEMENT LOCH LOGAN Centre Of Diabetes & Endocrinology Centre Of Hope Centre Of Joy Centre of Joy Ministries Centre Of Science & Technology Centre of Success CENTRE OF THE STUDY OF AIDS Centre Of The Sun Properties (Proprietary)Ltd CENTRE PERE LAVAL Centre Pharmacy and Medicine Depot Centre Piece Auto Centre Point Centre Point Advertising CC Centre Point Media Centre Point Shopping Centre CENTRE QUARTZ JEWELLERS Centre Rights, Love & Law CENTRE SAVE SUPERMARKET CENTRE SEALS and HARDWARE MERCHANTS (PVT) LTD Centre Service Station CENTRE SERVICE STATION THE CENTRE STAGE LIGHTING CENTRE STAGE TRAVEL CENTRE STARS CENTRE STORAGE CC CENTRE SYFED - REFER UNIVERSITE DE MAURICE CENTRE TECHNIQUE RENE VERBRUGGEN CENTRE TECHNIQUE SAINT LEON THE CENTRE TECHNIQUE SAINT MONTFORT CENTRE THE CENTRE VISION CENTRE WIND INVESTMENTS CENTRE-ING SERVICES CENTRE-ING SERVICES CC Centre-Line-Survey Centrecor Corporate Brokers Cc CENTRECORE Centrecore CC:Southern Suburbs Centrecore Fencing Centrecore North C C CENTRECORE TIMBERS CENTRECORE TIMBERS - BELLVILLE CENTRECORE TIMBERS - BERGVLIET CENTREFIELD SOFTWARE CENTREFILE (MAURITIUS) LTD CENTRELEC CC Centrelink Construction Centremark East CENTREMARK ROADMARKING CENTRENET RADIO Centrepiece CENTREPOINT DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS CENTREPOINT HONG KONG STORE CENTREPOINT RADIO & TV CENTREPOINT WHOLESALERS CENTRESTAGE PRODUCTIONS CENTREX (PTY) LTD CENTREX CC CENTRI SERVICES CENTRIC INGENIEURSWERKE CENTRICITY Centrifugal Air-Conditioning And Maintenance CENTRIFUGAL AIRCONDITIONING CENTRIFUGAL AIRCONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION CC Centrifugal Airconditioning And Refrigeration Cc Centrifugal Airconditioning Maintenance CC CENTRIFUGE ENGINEERING SA (PTY) LTD CENTRIFUGE REPAIRS Centriq Insurance Co Ltd Centriq Insurance Company Limited Centriq Insurance Holdings Ltd CENTRL SERVICES CC Centro Alfabetiza}c~ao Educa}c~ao Adultos CENTRO ARMS CENTRO COMMERCIAL DE ANGOLA Centro Comunitario Italiano Centro Consultants (Pty) Ltd CENTRO CONTINENTAL SHOPPING CENTRE Centro De Forma+c~ao Agr!aria Centro De Forma+c~ao De Oper!arios Habilitados E Centro De Forma+c~ao De Professores Prim!arios Centro De Forma+c~ao De Sa!ude Centro De Forma+c~ao Dos Professores Centro De Forma+c~ao Industrial Centro De Forma+c~ao Jur!idica E Judici!aria Centro De Forma+c~ao Profissional De !aguas E Sa Centro De Forma+c~ao Profissional Dos Caminhos D Centro De Forma+c~ao Profissional Metalo Mec~ani Centro De Forma+c~ao Profissional Para O Sector Centro De Forma}c~ao Das For}cas Pol Centro De Forma}c~ao Profissional Da Machava Centro De Forma}c~ao Profissional Das Obras P Centro De Forma}c~ao Profissional Das Obras P Centro De Forma}c~ao Profissional De Electrot Centro De Forma}c~ao Profissional Do Minist Centro De Forma}c~ao Profissional Metalo Mec^ani Centro De Neg#ocios / Business Centre Centro De Repouso Dos Trabalhadores Centro Developers CC Centro Educacional De Laulane CENTRO ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Centro Forma+c~ao Agr!aria Desenvolvimento Rural Centro Forma+c~ao Profissional Da Machava Centro Forma+c~ao Profissional Par!oquia Bom Pas Centro Forma}c~ao Profissional Das Obras P Centro Gate Automation Centro Infantil B^e !a B!a CENTRO INTERIORS Centro L CENTRO NACIONAL MEDICINA DESPORTIVA CENTRO PRE-UNIVERSITARIO DO CAZENGA CENTRO PROVINCIAL DE AGUAS Centro Provincial De Forma+c~ao De Sa!ude Centro Provincial De Forma}c~ao De Sa CENTRO RECREATIVO CULTURAL GAJAJEIRA CENTRO RECREATIVO CULTURAL HAVEMOS DE VOLTAR Centro Regional De Desenvolvimento Sanit!ario De Centro Signs Cc CENTRO STYLISTS HAIRDRESSING Centro Technical Supplies (pty) Ltd Centro Tur CENTRO-MAC REFRIDGERATION (PTY) LTD Centro-Mac Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Services (Pty) Ltd Centro-Mac Refrigeration & Airconditioning Services (Pty) Ltd Centro-Mac Refrigeration (Pty) Ltd CENTROP REAL ESTATE Centros De Forma+c~ao Belas Artes CENTROSERVE CENTROSERVE CC CENTROTEC Centrotech (Pty) Ltd CENTRUM KAFEE CENTRUM PHARMACY Centrum Pharmacy & Medical Centre CENTRUM SALES (PVT) LTD CENTRURION COUNTRY CLUB CENTS & ACCOUNTABILITY CENTU 2000 FINANCIAL SERVICES Centuaria42 Cc Centuary Auto Spares CENTUCOMP CENTUM BROKERS CENTUM INSURANCE CENTUPLE MARKETING CENTURIA 292 (PTY) LTD Centuria 342 (Pty) Ltd Centuria CC CENTURIA PEST & WEED CONTROL Centurian Security Services CENTURIO LINK CC CENTURIO MED Centurion CENTURION (VWB) APPLIANCES CC CENTURION ACADEMY Centurion Academy (Phokeng) Centurion Academy (Witbank Campus) Centurion Academy:Somatology Campus Centurion Access Control CENTURION ACCOMMODATION Centurion Accommodation Association CENTURION AFDAKKE CENTURION AFSLAERS CENTURION AKADEMIE Centurion Akademie (Edms) Bpk Centurion All Suit Apartment Hotel Centurion All Suite Apartment Hotel Centurion All Suite Hotel CENTURION ALL-SUITE APARTMENTS CENTURION ANIMAL CLINIC CENTURION APARTMENT Centurion Appliance & Microwave Repairs Centurion Appliance & Microwave Workshop Centurion Appliance Washing Machine Repairs Centurion Appliances CENTURION APPLIANCES WORKSHOP Centurion Auctioneers CENTURION AUTO CARE Centurion Auto Centre Centurion Auto Centre (pty) Ltd CENTURION AUTO GATE Centurion Auto Gate CC CENTURION AUTOGLASS Centurion Automotive Air Conditioning CENTURION AUTOMOTIVE AIRCONDITIONING Centurion Automotive Clinique Centurion Babasorgsentrum Centurion Battery Centre CENTURION BEARING SUPPLIES Centurion Bed & Breakfast Guest House Assn Centurion Bed and Breakfast CENTURION BILTONG CENTURION BLINDS CENTURION BOU EN ELEKTRIESE KONSTRUKSIE Centurion Boulevard Centurion Branch HVerwoerd Ave CENTURION BUS MANUFACTURERS Centurion Business Card Express CENTURION BUSINESS HOTEL Centurion Cabs CENTURION CARAVANS CENTURION CARPET CLEANING AND UPHOLSTERY CENTURION CATERING EQUIPMENT CENTURION CEILING & PARTITIONS Centurion Ceilings & Partitions Cc Centurion Ceilings And Partitions (Pty) Ltd << back